"I'm Indonesian. So, what did you know Indonesia has many languages in all regions?" Raka asked.
He asked me, "Why didn't you use Indonesian on your social media?" I just asked as above.
Indonesia has more than 600+ languages around Indonesian regions and Indonesia also as a democratic country where each people has individual rights including language choice. So, everyone has to respect their rights.
However, all Indonesian people certainly required could speaking Indonesian because Indonesia is a national language or official language. Obviously, I very supporting it. I felt can doing it if I meet with Indonesian people use the Indonesian language. But, it depends on the people. If Indonesian people can speak Chinese, I certainly will speak Chinese too. Likewise, if Indonesian people can speak English, I will speak the same language. All Deaf people usually use Indonesian Sign Language or Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (BISINDO), I will speak BISINDO because I'm Deaf have my own identity.
Language is part of identity. Everyone was born where are they lived and shall fluent local language after he is also fluent in speaking the Indonesian language. So, it's very multicultural which Indonesia has. Indonesia will always be, I'm proud to be an Indonesian.
The Kebhinnekaan has taught me how to respect and appreciate many languages in Indonesia. I developed being tolerant of people and supporting the multicultural concept. Pancasila is part of the multicultural concept. So, we must be a reminder about it because it's a very important thing.
So far, I usually speak and learn more than three languages. I can be speaking Indonesian, English, Mandarin, and BISINDO, Obviously, I want to learn again and will try to learn another language. However, I certainly didn't wanna arrogant and didn't show off my languages skill. I'd only speaking those languages for needs and accessibility.
I always wanna they will respect my language choice on my social media. Nationalism isn't language choice relations. It's about democracy. However, I hope everyone will control their languages based on the situation where not all people can speak English, Mandarin, or another language. Only adjusting place. Don't force! You must understand them and their place. It's very simple and is a good example of Pancasila.
Finally, I just want all people will respect and support Kebhinnekaan and Pancasila. Let's show off your languages skill to social media. The foreigners will like Indonesia and will like to be a popular country in the world. I hope so.
Thank you very much!