As continued in previous writing titled "Am The Only Deaf Person", I want to speak on why should a Deaf person lives on a hearing world. This is would be interesting because you know that none of many Deaf populations as much as hearing people have.
Hearing people are bigger than Deaf people. Living as a Deaf person isn't easy, even for a hearing family who has Deaf children. Many hearing people do not know sign language. Only hearing people included a Deaf ally and maybe only 5% of the hearing people know sign language. Which are least 10% of Deaf people who have studied at a mainstream school and as a bit of raised in the hearing world in all their life. As Surya-who was a Deaf panelist on Zoom- said that there are 90% of hearing families who have Deaf children and I can say only 4% of hearing families admitted to want to learn or teach sign language as a first language to their Deaf children. Everything can't change but Deaf people can be living on a hearing world as should it be. Why should be? How can be?
This is an order by nature and the Lord to keep surviving any conditions. And even, I got reading that someone was in past years had an idea to file in a segregation class to divide up Deaf and hearing people. I was reminded of where was but I didn't find it after I researched it at all. That I found is a Deaf racial segregation. Sure, this is based on race. I don't want to continue because I don't want to make mistakes. Maybe I forgot.
So, living on a hearing world doesn't mean segregating but how the struggles of adjusting to their culture. This is about the ways of life. As long as the world has Deaf people, sign language would do exist by George Veditz. It means would never make sign language extinct and would do. The ways of living of the Deaf people are different. One can survive, one can't survive, and one of unexplained, it might see on the background-- which maybe found abandoned by their own hearing family who feels shy of having Deaf children.
So, I just do it when I know that I am the only Deaf person in a room. I go because I'm still alive and still have people who support me. I would say the reason on why I feel better to live on a hearing world than the Deaf world is because the hearing world is more active than a Deaf world but don't get me wrong but it is a fact that I found by now and at the past. For example, I coach basketball, as a Deaf person, people perhaps think I would coach Deaf people, yes, sometimes I coach them but I feel better coaching hearing people because Deaf people no longer train basketball, of they have their busy and aren't interested in playing basketball. So, I move to a hearing team which is more active and still playing basketball. Which I want or I don't want, I'm going to have to do it because I need more active of my experience coaching basketball. The risk is I can being isolated when I am in a hearing team. So, the only way I can overcome well and take a long process, I believe I would do it. The clear choice is just going any condition as this is an order by nature and the Lord. No one can avoid and this is unavoidable. Life needs to change, people need to change, it is how the world work is.
In a conclusion, I prefer to advise that Deaf people need or should living on a hearing people, by improving and gaining the skill and experience or making a dream come true.
Thanks, everyone!