Mary is living at Pesek Home Care with five adopted cats |
Two days ago, I was doing a business at Nologaten road and finding a skinny cat who came without a mom. She was hungry and I rescued her to the pet shop to give a food. I was searching for any information I needed because I hadn't planned to adopt and I'm not ready for adopting her. I named Mary because she came with a strong struggle for the food has been fighting for.
I got some people who I texted and seemed wasn't I thought that Jogja hasn't a shelter and they recommended sharing opening adopt on social media. I did all. I had to decide to bring her to my dorm, which is only 96 sqft/ square feet. I was gotten cat foods and some recommendations that Mary needs from kindness person I've met, including medicine.
At midnight, I had a piece of good news that someone who was interested in adopting Mary. And, I met him at Pesek Home Care. Mary is now living with over five adopted cats and one of them has a similar colored skin. He is the amazing guy that I've ever met. He knows what should he does for Mary. Mary is happy to live with over five adopted cats. I gave him the food and medicine. I was going to have to say goodbye to Mary. I miss her a lot.
Mary's medicine |
After that, I have been thinking of Mary until now. I'm lonely at my dorm without Mary, That's sad but I have to. I'm probably going to have an adopted cat when the right time comes. I'm a cat person and has fell love in the cats when I was five years old. Cats are cute, entertained, smart, and funny. I loved touching the cat's full body. As a dog does, a cat does at all everything I loved. But, I felt blessed to rescue a skinny cat without mom, She is strong and has the bright future to live with five adopted cats. I believe him who is a Mary adopter and his family.
I had decided to rescue Mary because I cared and I did for the Lord who has created animals who have been ordered to be rescued and given a decent environment. That was my responsibility to the Lord. That was all I did for Mary despite she only lived with me for a night.
I miss Mary a lot. Because I love Mary.
Thank you, everyone!