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Showing posts from December, 2020

The 24th Letter: Why Called Bahasa? (Indonesian and Malay)

 "When someone always told me that Bahasa is meaning Malay but why aren't with Indonesia? And vice versa." I believe that many people always saying like that because they think like that but as an Indonesia, it's all disagree and just misunderstanding. Once, you cannot say like that. Why that is? Indonesia and Malaysia are different countries, you know? That's simple and easy. It's also include language and culture. Malay and Indonesian are different things culturally. I know you think Indonesian and Malay are similar on words and grammar but as a linguistics, they are different. It's same like American English and British English are similar but they are different. So, this should easy to say and nothing difficult. You cannot saying Bahasa because it's confusing. And even, someone had saying that Bahasa is Indonesian and Malay combination, however they are different based cultural and linguistics. They always different things so that you cannot saying...

The 23th Letter: A Controversial Offline Plans in 2021

On November 25th, 2020, I had been reading a lot of news about the Education Ministry has plans to reopen school and college in January 2021. They tell will make rules to make sure to protect them although we still the middle of the pandemic and Indonesia is in the highest Covid-19 cases in ASEAN. But, they saying that is only for new students, practicum, and thesis who are allowed to come to college. They also will apply the hybird learning system (online and offline systems).  Then, what is my reaction to that statement? I've just read the requirements of offline learning and I think they committed to protect all of people involved, including college leaders, lecturers, and students (new students, practicum, and thesis). I don't see how they do and how they keep a commitment. My hope is a free test everyday and makes a commitment to make sure to guarantee safety first. Actually, I'm happy with this but I have people who work in the hospital for months and they never retur...