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The 14th Letter: "You Can't Hearing. Why About That?"

"Rak, you can't hearing and you're Deaf then, how did you will be independent by alone there? How about fire? Or another danger possibilities? And, how?" She asked.

I couldn't be saying. No longer and I hadn't been time to saying something. I was feeling bad before. I asked a lot to myself and was blaming myself. My esteem was sick now. Everybody didn't appreciate me as a human. I'm like a patient in the hospital because many people always saying, "You're Deaf, how did you can wake up on time?". I know everyone rather talking lack of people than talk positive things. 

When someone was angry and continue to talking my lack as a Deaf person. I had been saying that before about "Why Are Deaf People Needs Special Technology Like Deaf American People?". Yeah, Indonesia hasn't those Deaf support life like the United States and probably like another countries. But, they never understand what I said before. I felt can't doing what I want. I'm like stupid people because I'm failed to building beloved people understand what I want to saying about that question. I hate if people rather talking lack of people especially Deaf people.  

I think I can't writing more because I'm angry inside rather than expressing my anger in the writing. If I'm angry, so that I can't writing that again. But, I will ready slowly to expressing my mind and my opinion who couldn't saying by own mouth. 

Show off the great of Deaf people in the world, I know there are Indonesian Deaf people. I have some Deaf people are my inspiration. You can read about that by title "The 12th Letter: What Is An Important of ROLE MODEL in Life?". That was described about my role model. So, you can read it before open this new caption. 

I'm Deaf, I always proud to be. I'll always be. Why? I think God have the best reason for me. I never thinking why I became Deaf person. I never blame myself. There wasn't to be pretend. That's just bullshit. So, I always like to become Deaf person like me. I have my mother tongue is sign language. That's the best language in the world. 

Back to people, I never assume everyone has the same perspective about Deaf people. I'll apologize if anyone feels wrong. So, It's just different. But, I always hope people don't talk lack of people anymore. All human is same. It's simple and smart way to respect all humans. I hope so. I always praying God to makes everyone realize what I wanted and hoped. 

May God bless everyone.

Thank you, everyone  


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